Adult Forum Videos
Missed an Adult Forum? Here are the recordings of our sessions.
Deaconess Anne House - 04/25/2021 - "Hear from Corps Members of Deaconess Anne House about Living Intentionally as Christians Today” - The Deaconess Anne House (DAH) is an intentional Christian community of young adults living, praying, learning and serving together in Old North St. Louis (ONSL). Making up the 8.0 cohort, Maddy Bishop of Wichita, KS (Rockwell Campus Ministry). Alexandrea Nessi of Wenatchee, WA and Tuscaloosa, AL (Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America), Bryan Moore of Columbia, TN (The Haven of Grace), and Mtipe Koggani of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Christ Church Cathedral) all said "yes" to this year of deep discipleship formation.
Wings of Hope - 04/18/2021 - "Changes and saves lives through the power of aviation” – Bernie Schmidt, the Director of Volunteer Fulfillment for Wings of Hope, Dennis Whittington and Hank Conard spoke about the work of this great organization.
Adaptive Leadership in Challenging Times - 04/11/2021 - The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship. The upheavals of the pandemic, the economic downturn, and the renewed call to racial justice have all of us facing new needs and challenges in our faith communities.
Conversation with Mother Liz - 03/28/2021 - Mother Liz discusses her observations in her first 7 months with us, the upcoming Holy Week services, and the plans for in-person services.
Self-Care - 03/21/2021 - Joy Millner, Founder and Co-Director of Fit & Food Connection, shares how small changes in nutrition, exercise, self, and stress relief can lead to big results.
Seeking a New Rector - 03/14/2021 - Canon Doris Westfall spoke about how parishes form a discernment team and search for a new rector.
Coffee with Mother Camie - 03/7/2021 - Mother Camie spoke to us about formation activities in our church and we discussed work is working well and how we could make improvements.
Spiritual Self-Care - 02/28/2021 - Mary Taylor spoke about spiritual direction and its role in self-care as well as meditation as a spiritual practice.
Spiritual Care and the Black Lives Matter Movement - 02/21/2021 - The Rev. Shug Goodlow provided background on the Black Lives Matter movement and asked us to consider how we, as Christians, can care for the bodies and souls of black folk.
School to Prison Pipeline - 02/14/2021 - Joy Weese Moll shared statistics about the impact of detention and the dispoportiate number of detentions for black students in our region. She also shared the work WE CAN is doing to advocate for changes in discipline in elementary area schools.
Race, Faith and American Public Safety II - 02/07/2021 - The Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders (Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary) continued to speak about the intersection of our Christian beliefs and the concepts of public safety today.
Race, Faith and American Public Safety I - 01/31/2021 - The Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders (Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary) spoke about the intersection of our Christian beliefs and the concepts of public safety today.
Meet the Candidates and By-Laws Change - 01/17/2021 - Hear from the candidates for Vestry, Diocesan Convention delegates, and Endowment Committee. Joy Rouse also shared the upcoming By-Laws change being recommended at the annual meeting.
The History of Venable Park - 01/11/2021 - Local historian, James Singer, spoke to us about the racial segregation effort that led to the building of Beirne Park in the City of Creve Coeur and Dr. H. Phillip Venable, the prominent black doctor who fought the city's efforts. The website referenced in the video: DR. H. PHILLIP VENABLE MEMORIAL PARK HISTORY
Communication Breakdown III - 12/20/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared another lecture via YouTube for us. Our discussion can be viewed here: Adult Forum 12-20 - Discussion on Communication Breakdown Part 3 - YouTube
Communication Breakdown II - 12/13/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared another lecture via YouTube for us. We discussed the following questions afterwards:
Communication Breakdown- 12/6/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared a lecture via YouTube for us. We discussed the following questions afterwards which was not recorded:
Re-imagining Evangelism- 11/8/2020 - The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism in the Diocese of Missouri, re-introduced evangelism in positive, spiritual terms. Remember to ask "What's been on your mind lately?".
Important COVID-19 Information- 11/1/2020 - Dr. Jim Hinrichs spoke to us as the Division Director of Communicable Disease Responses with the St. Louis County Department of Public Health.
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 3 - 10/25/2020 - The series finishes with additional historical timelines for Samuel Seabury as well as the Eucharistic beliefs, how the 1979 prayer book was formed from these and why does all this matter doing COVID?
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 2 - 10/18/2020 - The series continues with a focus on the usages in the service and challenges for the Scottish bishops after the church is dis-established by the government.
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 1 - 10/11/2020 - Dr. Donna Hawk-Reinhard, Director, Anglican House of Studies, Eden Seminary, begins this series providing the history of the church's understanding of the Eucharistic as well as the church and state relationship in England and Scotland. This video begins 15 minutes after the start due to a mistake.
Stewardship for 2021 - 10/4/2020 - Hear what it means this year and this time to "Do this in Remembrance of Me"
Social Media Sunday 2020 - 9/27/2020 - Learn how to easily Share posts, promote your activities and the church's activities whether you are a regular with social media or just getting started.
Deaconess Anne House - 04/25/2021 - "Hear from Corps Members of Deaconess Anne House about Living Intentionally as Christians Today” - The Deaconess Anne House (DAH) is an intentional Christian community of young adults living, praying, learning and serving together in Old North St. Louis (ONSL). Making up the 8.0 cohort, Maddy Bishop of Wichita, KS (Rockwell Campus Ministry). Alexandrea Nessi of Wenatchee, WA and Tuscaloosa, AL (Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America), Bryan Moore of Columbia, TN (The Haven of Grace), and Mtipe Koggani of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Christ Church Cathedral) all said "yes" to this year of deep discipleship formation.
Wings of Hope - 04/18/2021 - "Changes and saves lives through the power of aviation” – Bernie Schmidt, the Director of Volunteer Fulfillment for Wings of Hope, Dennis Whittington and Hank Conard spoke about the work of this great organization.
Adaptive Leadership in Challenging Times - 04/11/2021 - The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship. The upheavals of the pandemic, the economic downturn, and the renewed call to racial justice have all of us facing new needs and challenges in our faith communities.
Conversation with Mother Liz - 03/28/2021 - Mother Liz discusses her observations in her first 7 months with us, the upcoming Holy Week services, and the plans for in-person services.
Self-Care - 03/21/2021 - Joy Millner, Founder and Co-Director of Fit & Food Connection, shares how small changes in nutrition, exercise, self, and stress relief can lead to big results.
Seeking a New Rector - 03/14/2021 - Canon Doris Westfall spoke about how parishes form a discernment team and search for a new rector.
Coffee with Mother Camie - 03/7/2021 - Mother Camie spoke to us about formation activities in our church and we discussed work is working well and how we could make improvements.
Spiritual Self-Care - 02/28/2021 - Mary Taylor spoke about spiritual direction and its role in self-care as well as meditation as a spiritual practice.
Spiritual Care and the Black Lives Matter Movement - 02/21/2021 - The Rev. Shug Goodlow provided background on the Black Lives Matter movement and asked us to consider how we, as Christians, can care for the bodies and souls of black folk.
School to Prison Pipeline - 02/14/2021 - Joy Weese Moll shared statistics about the impact of detention and the dispoportiate number of detentions for black students in our region. She also shared the work WE CAN is doing to advocate for changes in discipline in elementary area schools.
Race, Faith and American Public Safety II - 02/07/2021 - The Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders (Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary) continued to speak about the intersection of our Christian beliefs and the concepts of public safety today.
Race, Faith and American Public Safety I - 01/31/2021 - The Rev. Dr. Ben Sanders (Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics at Eden Theological Seminary) spoke about the intersection of our Christian beliefs and the concepts of public safety today.
Meet the Candidates and By-Laws Change - 01/17/2021 - Hear from the candidates for Vestry, Diocesan Convention delegates, and Endowment Committee. Joy Rouse also shared the upcoming By-Laws change being recommended at the annual meeting.
The History of Venable Park - 01/11/2021 - Local historian, James Singer, spoke to us about the racial segregation effort that led to the building of Beirne Park in the City of Creve Coeur and Dr. H. Phillip Venable, the prominent black doctor who fought the city's efforts. The website referenced in the video: DR. H. PHILLIP VENABLE MEMORIAL PARK HISTORY
Communication Breakdown III - 12/20/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared another lecture via YouTube for us. Our discussion can be viewed here: Adult Forum 12-20 - Discussion on Communication Breakdown Part 3 - YouTube
Communication Breakdown II - 12/13/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared another lecture via YouTube for us. We discussed the following questions afterwards:
- What are your initial responses to the content of the video?
- What do you think of when you think of “rhetoric”?
- In advent, we await the embodiment of the Word. In some sense, speech is an embodied word. What are we waiting for God to “say”? To us? To the World?
Communication Breakdown- 12/6/2020 - The Rev. Dr. Adam Ployd prepared a lecture via YouTube for us. We discussed the following questions afterwards which was not recorded:
- Do you sometimes find it hard to communicate with people? Why is that? Why is it so frustrating?
- What does “the Word become flesh” mean to you?
- What would a “Christian language” look like? Is there even such a thing?
Re-imagining Evangelism- 11/8/2020 - The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice, Canon for Evangelism in the Diocese of Missouri, re-introduced evangelism in positive, spiritual terms. Remember to ask "What's been on your mind lately?".
Important COVID-19 Information- 11/1/2020 - Dr. Jim Hinrichs spoke to us as the Division Director of Communicable Disease Responses with the St. Louis County Department of Public Health.
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 3 - 10/25/2020 - The series finishes with additional historical timelines for Samuel Seabury as well as the Eucharistic beliefs, how the 1979 prayer book was formed from these and why does all this matter doing COVID?
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 2 - 10/18/2020 - The series continues with a focus on the usages in the service and challenges for the Scottish bishops after the church is dis-established by the government.
The Scottish Episcopal Roots of our Eucharistic Theology, Part 1 - 10/11/2020 - Dr. Donna Hawk-Reinhard, Director, Anglican House of Studies, Eden Seminary, begins this series providing the history of the church's understanding of the Eucharistic as well as the church and state relationship in England and Scotland. This video begins 15 minutes after the start due to a mistake.
Stewardship for 2021 - 10/4/2020 - Hear what it means this year and this time to "Do this in Remembrance of Me"
Social Media Sunday 2020 - 9/27/2020 - Learn how to easily Share posts, promote your activities and the church's activities whether you are a regular with social media or just getting started.