Ministries and Programs
We have over 40 ministries and programs at St. Timothy's that allow volunteers to be involved with the day to day operations and service of the church and community. Below is a very general overview of what the ministries and programs do each year.
Current Ministries and Programs:
If you are interested in joining one of these ministries, please contact the church office via email or phone (314) 434-5906.
Printable Ministry Documents
Current Ministries and Programs:
- Christian Formation and Education - prepares programming for the children's classes, adult forum and Bible studies.
- Communications - creates and maintains the website, weekly email, social media, print newsletter, and signs.
- Congregation Vitality - helps welcome new members into the St. Timothy's community.
- Endowment - maintains the financial gifts to St. Timothy's
- Facilities - takes care of the building and grounds, scheduling outside events, archives, and human resources.
- Family and Youth - schedules events for families, parents and youth.
- Fellowship, Hospitality and Special Events - organizes a variety of social events throughout the year.
- Finance - manages income and financial planning.
- Pastoral Care - arranges care for those in need in our community.
- Reaching Out and Community Service - works with local, national, and international non-profit organizations on various community concerns.
- Stewardship - seeks pledges of time, abilities and financial contributions for St. Timothy's.
- Worship - prepares the church and participants for all of our worship services.
If you are interested in joining one of these ministries, please contact the church office via email or phone (314) 434-5906.
Printable Ministry Documents
Spotlight: Ministry of Racial Reconciliation
St. Timothy’s Ministry of Racial Reconciliation is a ministry of the heart. A ministry
of changing our hearts in order to change the hearts of others. To “love one another” and respect one another so that we may join together and change the world…one heart at a time. Please contact Tony Corey if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Our Vision
As Christians living out our Baptismal covenant, we see a path toward our reconciliation to God by challenging racism in ourselves and in society.
We see a future in which:
- We, as individuals, have grown into collaborative participants in advancing human dignity for all;
- The culture of St. Timothy’s more fully reflects genuine sharing across diverse racial, cultural and economic groups;
- St. Timothy’s is an integral part of a purposeful reconciliation process in neighboring communities and in the St. Louis Metropolitan area;
- Racism no longer limits human potential.
Our Mission
The purpose of our Ministry is to facilitate the dismantling of racism by creating greater awareness, understanding and commitment through our discussions, education, experiences and actions. This Ministry follows the guidance of the Diocesan Commission for Dismantling Racism. Click here to learn more:
Prayer for Reconciliation
O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Guidance Document
Spotlight: Music Ministry Evensong
The Office of Evensong is sung at the close of each day in cathedrals, collegiate chapels, monastic communities, and parish churches throughout the Anglican Communion. Derived from the ancient offices of Vespers and Compline, it is a service of rare beauty offered through the singing of psalms and canticles, the reading of scripture, and prayer. This liturgy of sung prayer has been offered daily throughout the Christian era and it enables us to join with all those who have gone before, those today who offer their evening prayers, and those who will continue their sung praise, petitions, and thanksgivings in times to come.
The worshipper offers praise through association with the Choir and sits awash in sung prayer as it resonates throughout the sacred space. Natural time is suspended as word and music combine to capture the holy rhythms of the spheres and the worshipper is transported beyond chronological time to a place where creation and eternity coalesce into one.
The worshipper offers praise through association with the Choir and sits awash in sung prayer as it resonates throughout the sacred space. Natural time is suspended as word and music combine to capture the holy rhythms of the spheres and the worshipper is transported beyond chronological time to a place where creation and eternity coalesce into one.