Welcome to St. Timothy's! Below you will find information about our programs and ministries. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact us or sign our Guest Book.
St. Tim's welcomes children to worship at all times. Some families with infants and toddlers have their children stay in the sanctuary throughout the worship service, while others use the Nursery or Toddler Room for all or part of the worship service.
We have a "Prayground" in our worship space where children are invited to pray and play with a variety of activities. Worship bags, with quiet activities for children, are also available. Please ask an usher about these options when you arrive.
We have a "Prayground" in our worship space where children are invited to pray and play with a variety of activities. Worship bags, with quiet activities for children, are also available. Please ask an usher about these options when you arrive.
Under the leadership of our Director of Music and Organist Mark R. Scholtz, the Music Ministry is comprised of a large group of volunteers whose mission and purpose is to facilitate, enhance, and lead worship at St. Timothy’s through music and liturgy. The Music Ministry is spiritually aware, diverse, inclusive, and multi-generational. It is important to note that the Ministry has been a significant part of parish life since the church was founded and continues to help define our spiritual and community ethos week after week and month after month. The Music Ministry provides music at services from Labor Day through Memorial Day and welcomes volunteers to join.
Christian Formation and Education
We are pleased to offer Christian Formation and education classes for all ages on Sunday mornings between services from 9:40 - 10:30 a.m. We build formation and education opportunities to explore the Bible and other sacred texts of our faith, challenge people’s assumptions, and present a variety of topics and viewpoints. Open hearts and inquiring minds are always welcome!
Sunday School classes are offered for children from age 4 through high school from September through May. (All of our teachers are background checked and trained with the Episcopal Church's Safe Church program.) These classes are held in our Education Wing.
Middle and High School youth are invited to participate in our St. Timothy's Youth League (STYL) with the youth from St. Peter's Church in Ladue. STYL meets from
5 - 6 p.m. at St. Peter's and offers a wide range of activities.
Bible Study is available in the library for all who are interested. It is a Lectionary-based program that follows the weekly Scripture readings.
St. Tim's 101
Join Mother Meghan for a la carte classes for those who are new to the Episcopal church (or would like a refresher!) Get some of your burning questions answered! We'll meet Sundays from 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the north side of Fleming Hall.
Middle and High School youth are invited to participate in our St. Timothy's Youth League (STYL) with the youth from St. Peter's Church in Ladue. STYL meets from
5 - 6 p.m. at St. Peter's and offers a wide range of activities.
Bible Study is available in the library for all who are interested. It is a Lectionary-based program that follows the weekly Scripture readings.
St. Tim's 101
Join Mother Meghan for a la carte classes for those who are new to the Episcopal church (or would like a refresher!) Get some of your burning questions answered! We'll meet Sundays from 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. in the north side of Fleming Hall.
Inclusive and Welcoming Community
We are a parish of loving inclusivity. You are invited to worship with us regardless of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. All are truly welcome here.
Community Service and Outreach
Our Reaching Out Ministry does community service with a number of partner organizations throughout the St. Louis area. Last year, our garden produced 167 pounds of fresh vegetables for local food pantries. We also delivered almost one thousand items to the food pantry and packaged 3,600 pounds of rice for the pantry. We also provided 360 hours of tutoring at the Sigel Elementary School.
Partner Organizations:
Circle of Concern, Dismantling Racism, Episcopal City Mission, Bravely/Magdalene St. Louis, Peace Meal - St. John's, Tower Grove, Sigel School, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Carondelet, and Trinity Episcopal Food Pantry.
Partner Organizations:
Circle of Concern, Dismantling Racism, Episcopal City Mission, Bravely/Magdalene St. Louis, Peace Meal - St. John's, Tower Grove, Sigel School, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Carondelet, and Trinity Episcopal Food Pantry.
Fellowship and Care for Each Other
The St. Timothy's community cares for each other in a number of ways. We host many dinners, picnics, and game nights throughout the year so we can learn about each other and deepen our friendships. Our knitting group provides prayer shawls and baby blankets to those who need comfort. We make dozens of visits to the sick, bringing Eucharist, meals, and flowers.
Prayer Garden
This beautiful space features benches, curved walls, a labyrinth, and a bubbling fountain. The Prayer Garden is a lovely spot for individuals and groups to find moments of solitude and peace. Open year round, it features a stunning variety of flowering plants, bushes, and trees. Our Labyrinth is a 24-foot, 6-course, Neo-Medieval Abingdon designed by The Labyrinth Co. The Labyrinth, Prayer Garden, and Columbarium are open to the public from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays, Saturday evening from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday mornings from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Learn More
If you would like to become a member of St. Timothy's community, please email the church office your contact information at [email protected]. Our staff and volunteer team will help you to become familiar with the community. They will also help you discern your personal strengths and gifts to join one of our ministry teams if you are interested.