Christian Formation at St. Timothy’s
At St. Timothy's we believe Christian formation and education is a lifelong process, therefore we offer classes and Bible studies for all ages. All our classes are open to visitors. Our Associate Rector, the Reverend Camie Dewey, oversees all Christian Formation.
Children's and Youth Classes
Children and Youth meet on Sundays, September through May, in the upper and lower classrooms of the Education Wing. We offer small group classes for children ages 4 through 18. Students learn about Bible lessons, work on crafts and projects, and discuss current issues.
Adult Forum
On most Sunday mornings, we welcome a great variety of guest speakers, theologians, service agencies, and local ministries to help us understand more fully our faith in action. Since Spring 2020, we have provided these sessions online via Zoom and have recorded many for later viewing on our YouTube channel.
Wednesday Morning Lectionary Bible Study
Every Wednesday morning via Zoom from 7 to 8 a.m., all are invited to come for engaging discussion based on the weekly lectionary readings.
On Sunday mornings, we have a professionally staffed nursery available for children ages 4 and under located on the upper level of the Education Wing.
Periodic/Annual Events:
Vacation Bible School
A five evening school for children and adolescents including supper, Bible Study, games, crafts, and singing!
Camp Phoenix
A Diocesan traditional summer camp with Episcopal values that seeks to bring campers into contact with God and into closer community with each other. Attendees include St. Tim’s children as campers and counselors, as well as adult staff volunteers.
Bible Study
The class meets for a 4-to-8-week series to examine specific Bible topics via Zoom. The two most recent studies were “Women in the Bible” and “St. Mark’s Gospel.”
Women’s Book Club
The Women's Book Club meets quarterly, and past titles include Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, and Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown.
Children's and Youth Classes
Children and Youth meet on Sundays, September through May, in the upper and lower classrooms of the Education Wing. We offer small group classes for children ages 4 through 18. Students learn about Bible lessons, work on crafts and projects, and discuss current issues.
Adult Forum
On most Sunday mornings, we welcome a great variety of guest speakers, theologians, service agencies, and local ministries to help us understand more fully our faith in action. Since Spring 2020, we have provided these sessions online via Zoom and have recorded many for later viewing on our YouTube channel.
Wednesday Morning Lectionary Bible Study
Every Wednesday morning via Zoom from 7 to 8 a.m., all are invited to come for engaging discussion based on the weekly lectionary readings.
On Sunday mornings, we have a professionally staffed nursery available for children ages 4 and under located on the upper level of the Education Wing.
Periodic/Annual Events:
Vacation Bible School
A five evening school for children and adolescents including supper, Bible Study, games, crafts, and singing!
Camp Phoenix
A Diocesan traditional summer camp with Episcopal values that seeks to bring campers into contact with God and into closer community with each other. Attendees include St. Tim’s children as campers and counselors, as well as adult staff volunteers.
Bible Study
The class meets for a 4-to-8-week series to examine specific Bible topics via Zoom. The two most recent studies were “Women in the Bible” and “St. Mark’s Gospel.”
Women’s Book Club
The Women's Book Club meets quarterly, and past titles include Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, and Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown.