Reaching Out at St. Timothy’s
Our mission is to empower our congregation to radiate Christ’s presence by reaching out through service, advocacy, and giving.
Outreach projects are initiated from the ground up as a result of passions, interests, and/or involvement any parishioner may have. We reach out to serve, teach, and improve the well-being of our community. These are ongoing projects, either monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Other Outreach:
Outreach projects are initiated from the ground up as a result of passions, interests, and/or involvement any parishioner may have. We reach out to serve, teach, and improve the well-being of our community. These are ongoing projects, either monthly, quarterly, or annually.
- Programs to Feed the Hungry:
- Rice Bagging for the Trinity Episcopal Church Food Pantry
- St. Tim's Food Pantry Garden
- United Nations World Food Day at the Danforth Plant Science Center
- Food Collection for Circle of Concern and Trinity Food Pantry
- St. John’s Peace Meal: A ministry to prepare and serve hot meals to people in the Tower Grove area of St. Louis at St. John’s Episcopal Church.
- Neighbors Feeding Neighbors: A program to collect food for area food pantries including Parkway School District Food Pantry.
- Ministry of Racial Reconciliation: The ministry has two primary objectives: 1) increase understanding and awareness of the contributions of Black Americans, racism, and white privilege and 2) engage in advocacy for change and justice. The group’s activities include guest speakers, book discussions, movie discussions, Black History month celebrations, concerts, and attending Black Lives Matter vigils.
- Advocacy: Providing support and services to organizations that enable people to become self-sufficient. Our volunteers offer assistance, where needed, to allow the organization to feel the support and commitment of the entire St. Timothy’s community.
- At Sigel School, a school in St. Louis city, tutors offer assistance to students weekly and a Teacher Appreciation Team takes refreshment to the staff once a month.
- Funding is provided to Deaconess Anne House, a branch of the Episcopal Service Corps., which invites passionate young adults to take part in a holy adventure of Christian service and intentional community. We also provide funding to Haven House, a hospitality house serving families traveling more than 25 miles for hospital care.
Other Outreach:
- Knitting Ministry: This group creates “Mantles of Comfort,” baby blankets, and other tangible expressions of compassion and concern.
- Episcopal City Mission (ECM): Hope and healing for children in detention is the mission of ECM. It is a ministry providing chaplaincy services to children in the juvenile justice system of St. Louis City and St. Louis County. ECM also includes programs dealing with the broad effects of gun violence in the lives of the children and how to deal with grief and loss. St. Tim’s hosts an annual birthday party for the children and makes Christmas donations.
- Pridefest : Support the LGBTQIA community by sharing a booth with Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Charles.
- Episcopal Relief and Development: Our members respond to ERD’s requests for funds for areas experiencing global disasters.
- West County Interfaith Alliance: St. Tim’s has been active in this alliance of eight faith communities including Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, and Christian. We meet to promote peace through sharing our traditions. Examples include fundraising for school supplies, food for needy children in West County school districts, picnics, worship visits, and musical celebrations.
- Friends, Families and Faves: A fall family-friendly evening with a casual dinner featuring live pre-show music in the Prayer Garden. A live performance in the worship space by the Gateway City Big Band follows dinner. Younger members of the parish enjoy a phenomenal balloon artist and games along with the music. Many people outside the parish enjoy this event, now in its 30th year.